Social Media Guidelines
The Body Shop has always tried to campaign for a fairer and more beautiful world since our founder Anita Roddick when she started the company 45 years ago
To support this goal, we also strive to keep our social media community a safe, positive and respectful environment. When people can engage in meaningful conversations and exchanges with their friends, family and communities online, amazingly positive things can happen.
At The Body Shop we love to hear from all our fans and ask that our community is mindful of the comments we leave and the way we talk about each other as there is no reason for anyone to be made to feel bad. We encourage inclusivity but in the interest of a healthy community, we ask that you make sure your posts don’t contain:
- Offensive or threatening language
- Potentially libellous accusations
- Disrespectful and disruptive comments
We moderate all our Social channels, any offensive posts to users, or posts using profanities will be removed by The Body Shop team.
We will monitor our social pages to ensure our guidelines are followed. In the unfortunate event that the above rules are not followed we will need to block any repeat offenders after a second warning.
Our guidelines are aligned with Social Media platforms here is a summary:
- Be kind
- Be inclusive to all cultures & communities
- Be respectful, open-minded and positive
- Be clear and transparent
- Be sensitive about how content might be received
- Be Offensive or use threatening language to an individual or group of individuals including on basis of age, gender, disability ethnicity, sexual orientation, race or religion
- Make derogatory accusations
- Be disrespectful
- Make disruptive comments
- Make comments Intended to harm or exploit minors in any way
- Make comments that incite, advocate or express obscenity, profanity, hatred, bigotry, racism or violence
Just remember “the end result of kindness is that it draws people to you” Anita Roddick.